GHOSTWARE is providing one of the newest cheating technologies for Halo Reach: An aimbot based on artificial intelligence. Our Halo Reach Ai aimbot will help you landing accurate shots to get you ontop of the competitive leaderboard. The aimbot is developed to look fully legit and natural to spectators and doesn't need any kind of (memory) game access to successfully work. This offers you a huge advantage compared to using memory cheats, which actually need to "hack" the game in order to run. GHOSTWAREs Halo Reach Ai aimbot doesn't need any kind of detectable bypass, doesn't need memory access and will never alter or hack files of the game. The GHOSTWARE Ai recognizes enemies within a matter of milliseconds, pushing your mouse on target, when holding your aim-key. Start fragging out today, while staying under the radar of Halo Reachs anti cheat (EAC).
The GHOSTWARE Halo Reach Ai aimbot is fully customizable to fulfill your needs. Simply tweak its strength, speed and aim FOV through an interactive menu before or while you are in-game. You decide if you want to look fully legit while playing or if gonna rage through the whole match.
GHOSTWAREs artificial intelligence bots are the answer to all modern anti cheat solutions, helping you staying undetected in the longrun.
Keen to see it in action? This could be you:
Aimkey, Aimlock, Head Hitbox, Upper Body Hitbox, Body Hitbox
Legit Recoil Control, Smoothness slider, Aimbot FOV
No Game Memory Or file hacking
Windows 10 support
Our GHOSTWARE HALO REACH Ai aimbot is offering different features and tools to make it easy-to-use, reliable and secure.
Aimbot offers: Customizable aimkey, aimlock, head hitbox, upper body hitbox, body hitbox, adjustable aimbot speed, adjustable aimbot FOV, panic key, legit and rage settings.
The artificial intelligence aimbot doesn’t need any kind of memory / game access to work. The bot isn’t interfering with game files nor changing any kind of information which gets the anti cheats attention.
This is the magic of todays artificial intelligence technology.
Due to GHOSTWAREs HALO REACH Ai aimbot not accessing the games memory, you are able to use the cheat on EAC without any issues.
Our Halo Reach Ai Aimbot supports all modes and the games anti cheats:
â—Ź Fully undetected on EAC
â—Ź Fully undetected on HALOs backend anti cheat
â—Ź Undetected in all HALO REACH game modes
We recommend using legit aimbot settings, especially playing in competitive mode to avoid reports. If used correctly, no one will ever notice that you got an aim assist running!
Our Halo Reach Ai aimbot can be purchased right after your application passed.
About GHOSTWARE Artificial Intelligence
Our GHOSTWARE artificial intelligence is a uniquely trained bot, reacting to player models in PC games. We put hundreds of hours in the training/quality of each game bot, making sure it’s giving the user a great, legit looking and secure advantage in their favorite game.
The artificial intelligence bot is catching information coming from your game screen, without interacting with the games memory, the game files and without the need for a special bypass to counter anti cheats. This is the main benefit of using our artificial intelligence bot compared to usual cheats. Memory hacking, changing game files or messing with the game in any way is crucial for all common cheats to work. GHOSTWARE artificial intelligence bots don’t need any of that, which gives you a huge boost regarding longterm security and being unaffected by game (memory) updates.
With GHOSTWARE you are playing with one of the most modern cheat technologies the world has to offer. GHOSTWARE is the answer to the steadily increasing security mechanism in games. GHOSTWARE is the future and you can become part of it!