To ensure the best security possible for new users and oldschoolers on Ghostware we are working with a security level system on our products since 2018. Newly registered users start with Ghost level 1. The longer you have been in the community with an active sub, the higher the Ghostware level you reach. Some of our cheats are exclusive to Ghost level 2 and 3 users. Please find more details below.
You don’t want to wait 90 days to reach level 2? Then you can apply for a level 2 instant upgrade. Click here to find more information <
GHOST level 1

Requirements: None
In order to reach Ghost level 1 you simply need to register on our Ghostware website.
This will give you basic shop access to all cheats available to level 1 users.
GHOST level 2

Requirements: 90 days with Ghostware
To reach Ghost level 2 you must have been in our community for at least 90 days with an active subscription through out the whole time.
This will give you advanced shop access to all cheats available to level 2 users, such as Valorant and other premium cheats.
GHOST level 3

Requirements: 150 days with Ghostware
To reach Ghost level 3 you must have been in our community for at least 150 days with an active subscription through out the whole time.
This will give you full shop access to all cheats available to level 3 users, such as our CSGO FACEIT/ESEA aimbot and more.
GHOST level 1 cheats
⮞ Accessible to all registered users
⮞ Basic anti cheat support
⮞ Basic security features
⮞ No limited slots
GHOST level 2 cheats
⮞ Limited to Ghost level 2 users
⮞ Advanced (league) anti cheat support
⮞ Advanced security features
⮞ No limited slots
GHOST level 3 cheats
⮞ Limited to Ghost level 3 users
⮞ Full league anti cheat support
⮞ Exclusive security features
⮞ Limited slots